
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Những hình xâm "kinh khủng"

Yomico Moreno - Mouth
Yomico Moreno - scars
Strange anatomy: Venezuelan-born Yomico Moreno is a tattoo artist working out of Caracas; his hyper-realistic tattoos, including a second mouth on a man's neck, left, and a poorly sutured incision with the needle still 'attached,' require a second glance
Scar tissue: One of Moreno's specialties is to show layers of 'muscle and sinew' below the skin, though of course, it is only ink
Scar tissue: One of Moreno's specialties is to show layers of 'muscle and sinew' below the skin, though of course, it is only ink
Terrifying: This tarantula looks as if it's creeping down an unsuspecting man's arm; clever shading and shadows help make these images look real
Terrifying: This tarantula looks as if it's creeping down an unsuspecting man's arm; clever shading and shadows help make these images look real
Yomico Moreno
Yomico Moreno
Half man, half machine: Moreno has created a hyper-realistic piece of art on his client's bicep and forearm, giving the illusion of a cyborg
Man vs. machine: The bionic arms and biceps are a popular request from Yomico Moreno
Man vs. machine: The bionic arms and biceps are a specialty of his

Matters of the heart: This tattoo, also by Yomico Moreno, shows tattooed clamps holding open a heart that was apparently sliced by the scalpel
Matters of the heart: Tattooed clamps hold open a heart that was apparently sliced by the scalpel
Skin deep: Again by Yomico Moreno, this graphic tattoo shows superficial pectoral muscles that were meticulously tattooed, complete with suture needles and stitches
Skin deep: This graphic tattoo shows superficial pectoral muscles that were meticulously tattooed, complete with suture needles and stitches
Yomico Moreno
Yomico Moreno
Undone: Left, a tattooed zipper reveals an inked deltoid and bicep; and right, another image of cracked skin that reveals a 'machine' underneath
Eye on the prize: A blinking grey eye looks up from the forearm of one of Moreno's clients
Eye on the prize: A blinking grey eye looks up from the forearm of one of Moreno's clients
Yomico Moreno
Yomico Moreno
The persistence of memory: Moreno tattooed an infested flesh wound next to a black and white Chuckie, left, and right, a pocket watch resting  on a man's hand
Soundscape: An audio mixing board and piano keys look like they're simply below this man's skin
Soundscape: An audio mixing board and piano keys look like they're simply below this man's skin
V for Vendetta: The phrase 'Vi veri universum vivus vici is a Latin phrase meaning 'By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe;' it was popularly quoted in the 2006 film V For Vendetta

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